We are expert in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer. Thorough skin surveillance is routinely implemented and expert treatment of all forms of skin cancer are performed with the highest regard to your health and well-being. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, affecting approximately 1 in 3 Americans sometime during their lives. Early detection through routine skin examinations makes most skin cancers easily treatable.
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is the most common form of malignancy with millions of cases being detected annually. Early detection and expert treatment lead to the best outcomes. Routine screening examinations with a board-certified Dermatologist are recommended to ensure skin health.

Actinic Keratosis
Actinic Keratoses (AK) are pre-cancerous lesions frequently detected on fair-skinned individuals. Treatment of AK is recommended to prevent subsequent development into squamous cell carcinoma. A variety of techniques may be employed to treat these lesions.

Skin Care
The health and appearance of our skin forms a large part of the first impression we make upon others. Dermatology providers assist patients in determining underlying conditions that may keep us from looking our very best. Following a skin analysis, a multi-modality treatment and home care regimen will be determined.
Rosacea is characterized by a persistent redness or flush of the facial skin often accompanied by bumps that mimic acne. Risk factors for this condition include a family history of rosacea. Although historically rosacea was thought to affect lighter skin types, it may also be found in patients with skin of color.
Dermatitis is a non-specific term for inflamed, irritated, itchy skin. There are a number of specific sub-variants of dermatitis that may be responsible for a patient’s symptomatic “rash”. A board-certified dermatologist will help to determine the underlying cause of the condition and prescribe targeted, effective treatment.